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Wedding Guest

  Josh stepped outdoors, hastily lit a cigarette, the acrid smoke of tobacco mingled with the toxic fumes of the traffic as he tried to get a moment’s relief from the th kitchen aromas of a wedding banquet. He was reminded of his mother’s words, “Josh will you only cater for other people’s weddings? When are you going to get your own bride and let others plan the party?” Josh smiled, “Ma don’t complain if tonight I bring home a bride. I like challenges but I agree finding a bride from thin air might not be that easy as making a go of my business.” The line of cars and guests made him realize that he would have to start service in a few minutes. As he inhaled the last quick calming puff, his eyes rested momentarily on the lady stepping out of a cab. If he remembered rightly, the lady was familiar; one of those who it would appear attended many of the weddings that he had recently catered. If she was a frequent guest: maybe he would get her opinion about the menu Conversation like th

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